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Arkema’s Success: Putting Advanced Analytics Users First

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Arkema’s Success: Putting Advanced Analytics Users First

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Arkema is creating new trends in its advanced analytics journey

Laurent BASEILHAC and Nina MAS SOLER are proud to demonstrate how they made TrendMiner users the key component to Arkema’s digital transformation success.

According to our surveys, the value behind TrendMiner is the time profit and time gained. Each of our users think that TrendMiner is powerful, and that they can use it to find what they want. Furthermore, it’s the way they get more insight about the processes.

Arkema is one of the leading material specialist groups in the world. With 20,000 people in 55 countries, the company has a commitment to providing sustainable solutions.

During the first day of TrendLab 2021, Laurent said the material specialty company built its digital strategy, which included advanced analytics, to produce four outcomes:

  • Manage industrial performance productively,
  • Position the human role all along the value chain,
  • Optimize asset lifecycle, and
  • Develop agility of all assets during production.

Nina MAS SOLER, Digital Champion, Arkema

In a nutshell? Using advanced analytics to create a “Factory of the Future.”

He and Nina described the challenges of communication with TrendMiner users both within a plant and with other similar plants. Their goal was to improve these communication channels and make TrendMiner an advanced analytics tool anyone could use.

During the presentation, Nina played a video of Arkema employees who use TrendMiner. Victor Villedey is an Arkema process engineer. In the video, he said he uses TrendMiner to find solutions other tools cannot.

I’m using TrendMiner at least once in a week in order to realize data analysis that PI can’t perform today or with more difficulties. I use it to search for trends, or deviation root causes, and links between different events that are less obvious with traditional tools.

Surveys helped uncover the benefits of self-service advanced analytics.

Nina discovered a wide range of use cases for different plant personas.

Arkema TrendMiner website
Laurent and Nina created a community website for TrendMiner users, as shown above.

She created a website to collect and share these cases with other TrendMiner users and other departments. The site includes live chat, videos, and training resources.

Two embedded apps on the website also help visitors. One finds cases that will match their situation. The other lets them connect with a key TrendMiner power user.

As Arkema’s Digital Champion, Nina said the company’s adoption to TrendMiner empowers employees to use self-service advanced analytics.

According to our surveys, the value behind TrendMiner is the time profit and time gained. Each of our users think that TrendMiner is powerful, and that they can use it to find what they want. Furthermore, it’s the way they get more insight about the processes.

As a result of their presentation, Laurent and Nina won the 2021 TrendMiner of the Year award for their innovative way of putting advanced analytics users first. And they have not stopped since.

Arkema TrendMiner Webinar
Laurent and other TrendMiner users observe a use case presentation during a “MyTrendMiner by Arkema” online webinar

After winning the award, Nina spoke with TrendMiner about their ongoing plans.

“In October, we created something called ‘My TrendMiner by Arkema,’ which is an online webinar,” said Nina. “For example, the first one was about some maintenance subjects, so we had this first meeting of a less than an hour.
“And we will have another in a month, especially on process with process engineers,” she said. “So, we have this new, let’s say, rendezvous with these guys every two months on the specific topics to engage more discussion between the users.”

She also had some advice for those who are looking to win future TrendLab events.

Everybody can use (TrendMiner), even if they are not really comfortable with computers.

“If you want to win the next year award, (remember that) TrendMiner is for your users, and try to do the best for them, to bring them the best content and to train them,” Nina said.

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